Know the dress code of the interview. It is important to present yourself in the most professional manner for the setting of the organization. It is recommended to dress Business Professional for all interviews and Meet The Chapter
Answer questions in the CAR Format. CAR stands for Context, Action, and Resolution. Check out this article from Hudson that explains this format further.
Do your research. Understanding the role, the goals of PSE as well as what we do will show that you are interested and passionate about the organization.
Ask questions. Questions show you care, are inquisitive, and have a drive to learn. Take a moment before answering questions. While your first thought may be your best thought, take a moment to think through your words and how you want to say them so you are clear, concise and meaningful.
Be yourself and do not be afraid to show your personality! Get excited and passionate, but know where to draw the line between professional and fun.
Resumes should only be one page, anything longer is not necessary. It is better to expand on major involvements/accomplishments, rather than list things that do not have a lot of significance. Only list involvements/accomplishments that you can actually speak to.
Keep resumes clear and concise. Quantify information when applicable, and always write in the past tense. Use different action verbs to differentiate experiences. Resumes are organized in chronological order. Start from your most recent experiences and then move your way back.
Have someone else review your resume. They will be able to help you and catch errors/inconsistencies that you may not be able to. The Howe Writing Center and Center for Career Exploration and Success are great places on campus to get resumes reviewed!
Attend PSE’s Professional Development workshop. Hosted by Nick Judy, our Vice President of PD, the workshop teaches you how to prepare a professional resume that reflects your skills, knowledge and education relevant to PSE. Time and location: Monday, February 20th, 6:00pm-7:00pm, FSB 0025.