Hi, I'm Kate!

VP of HR

Grade: Junior

Hometown: Buffalo, NY

Major: Marketing

Minors: Emerging Technology in Business & Design, Entrepreneurship

Fun Fact: I grew 8 inches in one year between ages 7 and 8

Hi everyone! I am a Junior Marketing Major from Buffalo, NY. I have three siblings a hamster, two frogs, and a dog named Bear. Outside of PSE, I am involved in UP Magazine, Miami Sports Marketing, Miami University Women in Marketing, Advancing Women in Entrepreneurship, and a social sorority. I currently work as a virtual Marketing Intern for TalentCulture - World of Work and as an Honors Student Assistant for the University Honors College.

While serving on Exec, I plan to create a Mental Health Chair within the chapter and help host workshops/activities, work with the PR team to create monthly newsletters to update the chapter with internal updates from Exec and include member shoutouts/resources for success. Additionally, I plan to increase retention efforts and host roundtables for new member/chapter feedback.