A PNM’s Guide to Recruitment

Welcome to PSE! 

A PNM’s Guide to Recruitment

By: Maggie Kinzer

Recruitment Season: an exciting but potentially overwhelming experience. Since returning to Oxford a few weeks ago, you’ve likely been busy adjusting to new classes, reconnecting with friends, attending meetings and events with other organizations, and are now preparing to participate in the recruitment process with Pi Sigma Epsilon! We understand that recruitment can be overwhelming and stressful, but we encourage you to approach your interviews with a positive attitude and to just be yourself. Below are some tips and advice to help you succeed throughout your recruitment process, we can’t wait to meet you!

★ Be Your Authentic Self ★ 

We view each step in our recruitment process as an opportunity for us to get to know you! We want to see how you can add to our chapter personally and professionally, and are simply looking to learn more about you in a short period of time. Everyone on our interviewing team is beyond excited to speak with you, and are looking forward to supporting you throughout your recruitment process. Although being nervous is normal, we suggest approaching your interviews with confidence and being your authentic self!

★ Practice & Prepare ★

Before each round of interviews, we suggest researching some common possible interview questions and brainstorming your potential answers. Practice delivering your answers with confidence to a friend or to yourself in the mirror. This physical practice will help you to be more comfortable and confident on the day of your interview and allow the conversation to flow more easily!

★ Look Good, Feel Good ★

For your interviews and events, you will be expected to wear Business Casual or Professional dress. While you certainly want to look professional, one of our biggest tips is to wear something that you are comfortable in and that reflects your personality. When selecting your attire, we encourage you to choose something that represents you and makes you feel confident!

★ Confidence is Key ★

Before entering your interviews, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are here for a reason! We are so excited to get to know you and to share all that we love about PSE. When answering interview questions, speak clearly and look your interviewer in the eye. Give your answers confidently, and treat it like you are having a conversation with someone you know. You’ve got this!

We can not wait to have the opportunity to get to know all of you and learn about your amazing skills and accomplishments! Each of you would make a great addition to our chapter and we are looking forward to welcoming our new members. Good luck with recruitment!

PSE Miami