

By: Milo Lam

Featuring: Megan Chunias

My name is Megan Chunias and I am a junior psychology major with a minor in human capital management and leadership. I am from a small suburb outside of Boston, MA, and I joined PSE fall of my freshman year. 

This summer, I worked for Bell Flight in Fort Worth, TX as a human resources intern. I had the chance to meet Bell recruiters at PSE’s post career fair event last fall and I ended up getting an interview after our conversation. As a psychology major interested in business, I was nervous about securing an internship because I wasn’t sure where I would fit in best at a company. I was upfront with my recruiter about this and she helped me figure out that I wanted to try Human Resources. Once I was accepted into Bell’s internship program, it was a no brainer to accept because I knew older PSE members who interned for Bell and absolutely loved it. 


At Bell, I worked for the HR Project Management Office, and had an amazing experience. If I had to summarize my experience in three words, they would be: experience, friendship, and innovation. Bell’s leadership made it clear to us from day one that they genuinely care about their interns and ensuring that we have a positive, meaningful experience. For every project that my manager gave me, I felt like I was actually learning something and I could see how my work was impacting the company. 

Throughout the summer, Bell hosted professional development programming and intern socials which were the perfect opportunity to get to know other interns. One of my favorite events this summer was the intern social at Billy Bob’s Honky Tonk. Not only did I learn how to square dance, but I also met some of my best work friends. With over a hundred interns at the Fort Worth location alone, it is impossible not to find a group of intern friends to hang out with. 

The last thing I loved about Bell was the product itself: helicopters (and other advanced vertical lift technologies). Not only are helicopters cool, but they also help save people’s lives. Many Bell helicopters are used for public safety (like medivacs, search vehicles,), but the majority of Bell’s helicopters are used in the military. People at Bell are extremely proud of this fact and it is reflected in much of what they do. No matter what department you are in, it is really motivating to know that your work is contributing to the creation of products that save lives.

If I could give anyone a piece of advice about the internship search, I would say that you shouldn’t let your major define you or limit you. Most people do work in their internship that has nothing to do with their field of study anyways, so don’t be intimidated if your major isn’t listed  under “preferred majors”. I think the experiences you have are much more important; while I am a psychology major, I had many experiences outside of psychology on my resume that allowed me to enter a new field. 


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